TAFCO Metawireless confirms its participation in the Eureka project E!-8054 Metamaterial Ferrite Based Microwave Components (METAFER).

TAFCO Metawireless confirms its participation in the Eureka project E!-8054 Metamaterial Ferrite Based Microwave Components (METAFER).

The project intends to propose technological developments for miniature metamaterial based microwave ferrite components for X-band application, to investigate the advantage of metamaterial application, to compare the parameters of conventional and new components.

This project aims at developing new materials and manufacturing technologies for microwave ferrite components: circulators and isolators, and phase shifters that will enable reduction of the device size, weight and cost, and will therefore facilitate their integration and packaging in aerospace telecommunication equipment of the new generation, using a novel approach – metamaterials (MTM).

Tafco Metawireless