Design and validation capabilities
Electromagnetic Simulation Suite
- Tafco Metawireless has developed in-house a Multifunctional Electromagnetic Solver called T-SOLVER, operating in our own parallel cluster architecture, integrating different simulation solutions, that are applied according to the specific client need and making use of the following methods:
- 3D Electromagnetic simulation based on Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method.
- Static and dynamic Radar Cross Section (RCS) simulation based in the Physical Optics (PO) method.
- Wireless system simulation based in 3D Ray launching method.
- In house code capable of combining in a unique simulation the previous techniques, allowing simulation time reduction and in many cases the possibility of obtaining unique results.
- The simulation suite is equipped with a powerful user interface with the capability of creating and editing three dimensional models. The software is hosted in a parallel computing cluster for complex and challenging consultancy problems.
- System simulation module integrated within the simulation suite, allowing the analysis in terms of quality and capacity of any Communication System.
- The main advantage of this suite is that due to the fact that it has been developed in house, it allows Tafco to adapt to any specific need of our clients, modifying the existing tool and introducing new functionalities.
Tafco Metawireless has measurement equipment necessary to perform the tasks previously enumerated, as well as to calibrate our simulation tolos with experimental validation:
- Anechoic Chamber (1-3 GHz).
- Callibrated Horn Antennas (1-5 GHz).
- Remotely Controlles Azimuthal Positioner.
- Spectrum Analyzers (up to 6 GHz), with Spectrogram capabilities.
- Signal Generator (up to 6 GHz).
Technological/Strategic university liasion allows us to access some of the most advanced measurement facilities in the world, such as the Millimeter Wave, Terahertz and Plasmonics Laboratory at UPNA. This enables us to offer our clients advanced spectroscopic analysis, with Quasi-Optical vector network analyzer up to 1 THz, as well as FTIR spectroscopy up to the visible range.