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Electromagnetic consultancy
and telecommunication consultance
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Design and characterization
for communication systems
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Design and
validation capabilities
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Tafco Metawireless

Why Tafco? metawireless

TAFCO metawireless provides technology and consultancy services to companies and organizations in the areas of design, implementation and maintenance of products and solutions in telecommunications.

Products and services

The consulting and programming services that we offer to our clients are the following:


Regional Government of Navarra R&D Projects: RMW-PI-RGP-VRP

This company has received aid co-financed 40% by the Government of Navarra and the European Regional Development Fund through the ERDF 2021-2027 Operational Program of Navarra

Regional Government of Navarra R&D Projects: E-METANOL-MW

This company has received aid co-financed 40% by the Government of Navarra and the European Regional Development Fund through the ERDF 2021-2027 Operational Program of Navarra

Tafco Metawireless