TAFCO Metawireless in “Enterprises doing Business”, the fifth transnational business meeting of EIBT-SUDOE in Pamplona.

“Enterprises doing Business” is the fifth transnational business meeting of EIBT-SUDOE European Project. This meeting brought together different Technology-Based Innovative Companies (EIBT) startups from Spain, France and Portugal. The event was organized by the CEIN (European Center of Business and Innovation of Navarre) in the EIBT SUDOE European Project.

TAFCO Metawireless in EIBT Networking Day in Asturias (Spain)

The technology-based navarre companies Mahei Innovation, Tafco Metawireless and Whitebiotech participated the past June 12th in the fourth “EIBT Networking Day” along with 23 other Asturian, French and Portuguese EIBT  The event was organized by the CEEI Asturias in the European project EIBT SUDOE.

Tafco at the European Microwave Week 2012 in Amsterdam

Tafco Metawireless will present the latest developments in the stand number 304 of the European Microwave Week 2012 (EuMW2012) that will took place in Amsterdam from 29th to 31st October in the RAI Amsterdam.

Tafco Metawireless